Is My Dog A Carnivore?

Q: Is My Dog a Carnivore? A: No. Your dog is NOT a carnivore.   We’ve all seen our dogs drool over the smell of...

5 Things to Do With Your Dog This Summer

Beating the Heat: 5 Things to Do With Your Dog This Summer   Every year, countless dogs are left to suffer through long, hot summers....

How Many More Dogs Must Die?

Advance Dermocare: How Many More Dogs Must Die? Ok, be warned. I’m not going to pussy foot around. I am fu***** angry! How is it...

What Is Muscle Meat?

What Is Muscle Meat? A: These are the most common muscle meats used in the preparation of raw dog food Ox Heart Ox Tongue Beef...

Vegan Dog Food? NO. NO. NOOOOOO!

Vegan Dog Food? NO. NO. NOOOOOO! Your dog is not a rabbit. Your dog may be omnivorous, but your dog cannot live without meat proteins....

Conflict Of Interest: Separate Dog Food and Vet Care

Conflict Of Interest: Separation of Dog Food Companies and Veterinary Care  Prefer to be serenaded by MJ? Check out the Rawmate Audio Blog You know...

What is Offal?

What Is Offal? Offal is defined as “the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food”, and comes, literally, from its Middle Dutch...

Animal Abuse: What it is and What it Isn’t

Animal Abuse: What it is and What it Isn’t Animal abuse is best described as "overt and intentional acts of violence towards animals" according to...

Pet Insurance: Why you should consider coverage for your dog

Pet Insurance: Peace of Mind for Pet Owners It’s a pet owner’s worst nightmare. Your dog or cat suddenly falls ill, gets bitten by a...

Canine Obesity is a Global Epidemic

Canine Obesity is a Global Epidemic Canine obesity is a growing problem all over the world. In the United States, for example, it’s estimated that...

Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails? It looks ridiculous when your dog races around in circles, trying to catch his tail, right? I mean, does...

What Should My Dog’s Poop Look Like?

What Should My Dog's Poop Look Like? It’s a reality of responsible pet owners that every day you pick up dog waste. That makes you...

The Basics of Dog Bite Prevention

The Basics of Dog Bite Prevention If you’re like us, you probably have an urge to pet every good dog you see around town. Whether...

What is AFFCO and Why Should I Care?

What is AAFCO and Why Should I Care?   The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) is an organisation made up of committee members...

Doggie Crack! (AKA Green Tripe)

Doggie Crack! (AKA Green Tripe) If you’ve ever fed your dog green tripe, you’ll know just how much the stinky stuff appeals to our canine...

Dogs Deserve Better

Dogs Deserve Better Scientists have long believed that ancient humans domesticated wild wolves, offering them food in return for their hunting abilities. Now they’re backing a...

Hungry Like a Wolf

Hungry Like a Wolf Squint hard enough while you are watching your chihuahua chowing down on a meaty treat and you can almost see the...

Dogs Deserve the Best, Don’t They?

They Deserve the Best, Don’t They? Imagine you’re walking your dog Spike around the block when you feel a sudden tightness in your chest. It’s...

Dog Blood Donations - More Demand than Ever

Dog Blood Donations - More Demand than Ever  We’ve all had terrifying moments with our dogs. You know, where your pup slips out the front...

8 Tips for Socialising Your Dog

8 Tips for Socialising Your Dog These 8 Tips for Socialising Your Dog will help you put your best foot forward while making sure your...

The Science and the Myths: Raw Dog Food Explained

The Science and the Myths: Raw Dog Food Explained   Perhaps you’ve already discovered that there are a lot of conflicting opinions out there about...

Are Doggie Treadmills a Good Idea?

Are Doggie Treadmills a Good Idea? The idea has received lots of love, a bit of hate and its fair share of chuckles. But are...

Can I make Raw Dog Food at Home?

Can I Do it Myself? Yes! - though... The thought of going shopping for ingredients and then carefully preparing a meal using whole foods for...

Worried About Hyperthyroidism? Read on to Learn More…

Worried About Hyperthyroidism? Read on to Learn More… If you’ve been experimenting with raw food treats for your dog you may well have offered your...

Raw Dog Food Meal Plans

Raw Dog Food Pet Dinners If you are reading this, you have probably heard from somewhere that feeding your dog a raw diet is a...

Food Waste in Australia

Food Waste in Australia According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, each year about a third of the food produced globally,...

The German Shepherd Dog: Your “Owner’s Manual”

German Shepherd Dogs: Your “Owner’s Manual” If you have a German Shepherd (or if you are thinking of owning one) then this is the resource...

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass? Your dog is supposed to be a carnivore, right? Descended from wolves and all that? So what the heck is...

The Top 10 Dog Breeds You’ve Never Heard Of

The Top 10 Dog Breeds You’ve Never Heard Of Even someone who knows nothing about dogs can tell you that a Great Dane and a...

Has GDPR Got You Saying WTF?

Has GDPR Got You Saying WTF? We love our dogs and, honestly, if we had the choice we’d be out romping with our furry buddies...

The Lowdown on Protein in Raw Dog Food

The Lowdown on Protein in Raw Dog Food You may have heard that raw diets are so high in protein they aren’t good for your...

Common People Food that is Toxic for Dogs

Watch Out! These Common People Foods are Toxic for Your Dogs! Just Say No You know the routine. You sit down to eat and then,...

The Domestication of Wolves

The Domestication of Wolves As close friends, partners, and members of our family, dogs make up a huge part of our daily lives. Although it’s...

10 Dog Breeds With a Purpose

10 Dog Breeds With a Purpose   From Chihuahuas to Great Danes, dogs come in all shapes and sizes. It’s fascinating to look back and...

Stop Treating Your Dogs Like Children When it Comes to Food

Stop Treating Your Dogs Like Children When it Comes to Food You’ve seen it before - Mom, Dad and Dog strolling along the boardwalk out...

Rawmate - What's the scoop?

Rawmate - What’s the Scoop? At Rawmate we love our dogs and believe they deserve the best. That’s why we offer Rawmate, healthier dog food that...